
Being creative in an African company

Increasingly, in Africa, innovation and creativity are seen as key elements of a company’s sustainability. Increasingly, managers place importance on the organization and functioning of work. Being able to help a company distinguish itself…


Kenya – Nairobi, top business city in Africa

Nairobi is one of Africa’s top business places for opportunities related to technology and innovation. The Kenyan capital is full of prestigious companies and provides a socio-professional environment conducive to work and investment. Local…


The Moroccan top 3 companies growing in Africa

Trade between Morocco and other African countries has grown significantly over the last decade. In 2014, they totaled nearly 15.8 billion dirhams, against 6 billion in 2004, representing an average annual growth rate of…


How to succeed in Africa’s growing Workforce?

African companies owe a lot to their workforces,hose men and women working for them, no matter the how large or small the societies can be. No matter how creative, upseller, client-pleaser, strategic, speedster… employees…


“#TalentOfTheWeek2: Mehdi Lahmamsi” is locked

Talent of the Week 2:  Talented Mehdi !  Nationality: Moroccan     International Project Manager and Team Manager with proven experience in Online Marketing / Online Advertising, Retail and Logistics. About 10 years experience…