
Between Departure and Return: Young Africans and the Diaspora, a Double Movement Redefining the Continent’s Future

Africa finds itself at a fascinating turning point in its demographic and social history. On one hand, thousands of young Africans dream of leaving to find better opportunities abroad, while paradoxically, a growing portion of the African diaspora is eager to return to the continent to contribute to its development. This double movement, far from being contradictory, reflects complementary aspirations that are reshaping Africa’s future.

Young Africans: The Desire to Explore New Horizons

For many young Africans, the desire to leave is driven by a need for prosperity and stability, which may be lacking in their home countries. Africa is rich in resources, but access to economic opportunities remains limited for a significant portion of the youth, many of whom face high unemployment rates. Talented and ambitious, these young people are seeking spaces where they can fully express their potential, gain experience, and often send money back home to support their families.

As Stephen Smith pointed out in his analysis of African migration, it is not the poorest who leave, but those who have the financial means to do so. These young individuals view migration not as an escape, but as an opportunity to broaden their perspectives, gain a quality education, or build a career in more developed sectors.

The African Diaspora: The Return of Talents

While many young Africans dream of leaving, another significant phenomenon is occurring: the return of the diaspora. More and more Africans living abroad, often educated at prestigious universities or having gained professional experience internationally, are deciding to return to Africa.

Why are they returning? Because many in the diaspora recognize the untapped potential of Africa and want to participate in the continent’s economic dynamism. From fintech to agribusiness, to tech startups, emerging African sectors are increasingly offering opportunities for entrepreneurs and professionals alike.

For this diaspora, returning is not just about going back to their roots; it is an opportunity to actively participate in the continent’s transformation by investing their skills and know-how acquired abroad. These returns are often motivated by a search for purpose, a desire to contribute to their countries’ growth, and to play a key role in shaping the continent’s economic and social future.

Two Complementary Aspirations

Rather than seeing these two dynamics as opposing forces, it is more constructive to view them as complementary. Young people who leave enrich their skills abroad, gain experience, and often consider returning after building expertise. Meanwhile, the returning diaspora becomes a model for young people seeking international perspectives, while reinvesting in the continent with their knowledge.

The return of the diaspora also helps create an economic and cultural bridge between Africa and the rest of the world. Through these returns, Africa benefits from business networks and international partnerships, accelerating the development of local businesses and attracting new investors.

Africa’s future doesn’t rest solely on keeping its youth or repatriating its diaspora. What matters is creating an environment where both aspirations can coexist harmoniously. Offering more opportunities on the continent, encouraging returns, and facilitating mobility are crucial steps to build an Africa where talents can thrive, whether they are on the continent or abroad.

Ultimately, this double movement—departure and return—shows that Africa is a continent in full swing, ready to face global challenges while harnessing the tremendous energy of its youth.


Africa doesn’t need to be saved, it needs real partners

For decades, Africa has been viewed through a limited lens, often as a continent in need of external aid. However, this perception is outdated. Africa today is a dynamic economic force, driven by talented individuals and entrepreneurs who innovate in key sectors such as fintech, energy, and agriculture. What the continent truly needs are partners willing to collaborate on equal footing, not charity or aid.

It is essential to shift the global perception of Africa. The continent doesn’t require “saving” through international aid; rather, it should be recognized and valued for its talent and potential. African businesses across diverse sectors are already transforming their industries, and propelling the continent forward, proving that Africa is a thriving hub of innovation and resilience.

A great example is a Senegal-based fintech company. Thanks to a partnership with Talent2Africa, this fintech successfully recruited Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) to support their rapid growth. These local talents not only brought highly specialized skills but also helped establish a solid financial structure that enabled the company to expand internationally. Recruitment, in this case, was not just about filling positions; it became a strategic lever for market expansion and investor attraction.

Africa is ready to tackle the challenges of the future. However, to do so effectively, it requires strategic partners who are willing to engage in co-creation and contribute actively to sustainable development on the continent.


Why it is important for African nations to tackle the migration of healthcare professionals from Africa to Europe and North America.

The global pandemic has highlighted the critical importance of a robust and resilient health system in every country. In Africa, the healthcare sector has long been struggling with challenges such as inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, and an acute shortage of medical professionals. In recent times, the situation has been compounded by the Covid-19 outbreak, which has put a tremendous strain on already overburdened healthcare facilities.

In this context, the decision by the French government to introduce a “medical talent visa” has sparked concerns about the potential negative impact on the African health system. The visa program is aimed at attracting medical professionals from other countries to work in France, thereby addressing the shortage of doctors and nurses in the country. However, many experts argue that the program could have unintended consequences for African countries, which are already struggling with a severe shortage of healthcare workers.

The fear is that the visa program could incentivize doctors and nurses from African countries to migrate to France, exacerbating the brain drain that has been plaguing the continent for decades. African countries have been losing their skilled professionals to developed countries for many years, causing a significant drain on their economies and leaving their health systems in shambles. According to the World Health Organization, there are only 2.3 doctors per 1,000 people in sub-Saharan Africa, compared to an average of 15 doctors per 1,000 people in the European Union.

The concern is not unfounded. Many African doctors and nurses are attracted to developed countries like France because of the better working conditions and higher salaries offered there. The exodus of medical professionals from Africa to Europe and North America has been a major challenge for the continent, and the “medical talent visa” program could make the situation worse.

Côte d’Ivoire, a West African country, has been taking significant steps towards improving its healthcare system for several years now. The government’s proactive measures to enhance the healthcare infrastructure and services have gained more significance with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. The country has been striving to improve its healthcare infrastructure, and the efforts have been commendable.

In 2017, the Ivorian government launched a massive program to construct 22 health infrastructures and repair 20 others across the country. The government allocated a substantial amount of 887 billion CFA francs (1.35 billion euros) to finance this initiative. The program aimed to provide better healthcare services and facilities to the population and increase access to quality medical care.

The construction of these health facilities is a significant step towards improving the overall healthcare infrastructure in the country. The government’s investment in the healthcare sector will not only help in mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic but also address the long-standing healthcare challenges faced by the Ivorian population.

Furthermore, in 2019, the Ivorian government initiated the construction of the University of Bondoukou, equipped with a faculty of medicine and a university hospital center (CHU). The infrastructure is expected to begin operating in 2023, providing the necessary infrastructure to train future healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers.

The establishment of the University of Bondoukou and the CHU is a significant achievement towards enhancing the healthcare infrastructure in Côte d’Ivoire. It is expected to provide advanced medical care, develop medical research, and help in addressing the chronic shortage of medical professionals in the country.

It is essential to note that the Ivorian government’s proactive steps to enhance the healthcare infrastructure have come at a time when the world is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities in healthcare infrastructure worldwide, making it clear that countries need to prioritize healthcare investments.

Brain drain, a phenomenon in which highly skilled professionals, including doctors, leave their home countries to work abroad, has been a persistent problem in many West African countries. The exodus of healthcare professionals from these countries has had a severe impact on their healthcare systems, leading to a shortage of medical personnel, inadequate medical facilities, and poor health outcomes. Several West African countries are facing this problem, but what are they waiting for to stop this brain drain?

One of the significant reasons for the brain drain of medical professionals is the lack of adequate incentives and support for healthcare professionals. In many West African countries, doctors are not paid well, and they work in poor conditions, often without basic equipment and supplies. Moreover, the lack of opportunities for professional growth and development, including access to training and research, also pushes healthcare professionals to seek better opportunities elsewhere.

Another reason for the brain drain is the political instability and insecurity prevalent in many West African countries. Many healthcare professionals fear for their safety and that of their families, leading them to seek opportunities elsewhere. The absence of a stable political and economic environment, coupled with inadequate healthcare infrastructure, also discourages healthcare professionals from staying in their home countries.

To address the brain drain of healthcare professionals, West African countries must prioritize the healthcare sector and invest in better working conditions and incentives for healthcare professionals. Providing better salaries and benefits, improving working conditions, and ensuring access to training and research opportunities can help retain healthcare professionals in their home countries.

Additionally, addressing the political instability and insecurity in these countries is critical. This includes improving governance, addressing corruption, and creating a more stable and secure environment that encourages healthcare professionals to remain in their home countries.

In conclusion, the brain drain of healthcare professionals is a significant challenge for many West African countries. To address this challenge, these countries must prioritize the healthcare sector and invest in better working conditions and incentives for healthcare professionals. Addressing political instability and insecurity is also crucial. By taking these steps, West African countries can stem the tide of brain drain and retain their highly skilled healthcare professionals.


5 strategies you can use to get noticed by senior leadership without going over your boss’s head

As a driven and ambitious professional, it can be frustrating when you feel like your ideas and contributions are not being recognized by those in senior leadership positions. You know you have what it takes to succeed and make a difference, but you feel like you’re being held back by a manager who is not supportive or who is not advocating for you.

It’s easy to feel stuck in this situation, but it’s important to remember that you have options. You don’t have to wait for your boss to notice your potential or give you the opportunities you deserve. Here are some strategies you can use to get noticed by senior leadership without going over your boss’s head.

  1. Network strategically: Build relationships with people in other departments or areas of the company. Attend company events, join employee resource groups, and seek out opportunities to connect with senior leaders. Use these relationships to showcase your skills and get your ideas in front of people who can help you advance your career.
  2. Take on high-visibility projects: Look for opportunities to take on projects that are important to the company or that are highly visible. These projects can help you demonstrate your skills and show senior leadership what you’re capable of.
  3. Be proactive: Don’t wait for your manager to give you opportunities. Look for ways to add value to the company and take initiative on projects or tasks that are outside of your normal responsibilities. This can help you stand out and show senior leadership that you’re a proactive and valuable member of the team.
  4. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from colleagues, mentors, and senior leaders. Use this feedback to improve your skills and demonstrate your commitment to growth and development.
  5. Build your personal brand: Use social media and other platforms to build your personal brand and showcase your expertise. Share your insights, ideas, and successes with a wider audience, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Remember, getting noticed by senior leadership takes time and effort. It’s important to be patient and persistent, and to continue to build your skills and expertise. With the right strategies and a commitment to your own growth and development, you can achieve your career goals and make a difference in your organization.


African Diaspora Investment as a Catalyst for Massive Progress in Africa

In recent years, the exodus of young people from Africa has been growing, driven by factors such as unemployment, limited opportunities, and an idealized view of Western countries. This mass migration represents a pressing challenge for the region, as it leads to a significant loss of human capital and potential. Economic Factors driving African youth to seek opportunities abroad like high unemployment and limited access to quality education, are key factors propelling young people to seek better prospects elsewhere. However, amidst this crisis lies an opportunity for change. Drawing inspiration from countries like Morocco and Ethiopia, which have successfully harnessed the power of their diasporas, the African diaspora can play a pivotal role in supporting youth empowerment and sustainable development in their home countries. This article highlights the best practices of diaspora engagement from Morocco and Ethiopia.

The Power of Diaspora Investment

Drawing insights from successful examples, this segment will highlight the strategies employed by Morocco and Ethiopia to leverage their diasporas for development.

The Moroccan model

Morocco, through many initiatives, with its Diaspora have been able to mobilize them effectively.

Mobilization strategies

One example of a successful strategy is the programme for the mobilization of highly skilled MLAs (Moroccans Living Abroad) called ‘Mobilization Program Skills’. This programme calls upon Moroccan professionals who are ready to contribute with their expertise, experience, and know-how to the development of Morocco. It aims to provide a framework for these professionals that will inform them of opportunities in Morocco and allow them to develop partnerships with Moroccan public and private actors and support professionals abroad who establish projects in Morocco. This strategy is based on the compilation of networks of MLA competencies, the organization of preparatory meetings to inform MLAs about the needs for competencies in sectors that attract them in Morocco, the encouragement of proposals for entrepreneurship and partnership projects by the network that meet the needs of Morocco, the organization of a forum with Moroccan counterparts interested in these projects, and the establishment of partnerships for their implementation.

A second example is a programme called ‘MDM invest’. This provides a mechanism to encourage investors in Moroccan enterprises. It is built around providing three basic possibilities for funding. MDM invest can provide:

• equity (in foreign currency) of at least 25% of the projected amount of the project,

• a state subsidy of 10% of the start-up costs (with a ceiling of 5 million dirhams), and/or

• a bank loan (if necessary) that can reach 65% of the start-up costs.

A third example is the United Nations programme entitled TOKTEN (Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals).

Since 1993, Morocco has organized several meetings of the Moroccan Diaspora as part of the TOKTEN programme. TOKTEN aims primarily at mobilizing national professionals living abroad to contribute, through missions and scientific support, for the development of Morocco. These TOKTEN meetings brought together Moroccan professionals from all backgrounds to discuss the possibilities of mobilization without, however, leading to real programmes and without choosing to move to the institutionalization of a sustainable mechanism in the framework of a national strategy of mobilization of Moroccan professionals living abroad.

Innovation strategy

In June 2009, Morocco created a national innovation strategy entitled ‘Innovation Morocco’ to build a favourable ecosystem for the development of innovation within Moroccan companies and research organizations. Innovation Morocco was made operational in March 2011. This strategy consists of four strategic areas:

• Governance and Regulatory Framework,

• Infrastructure and Clusters,

• Funding and Support, and

• Mobilizing Talents which includes members of the worldwide Moroccan community of innovation. In this context, the Moroccan Office for Industrial and Commercial Property, in partnership with the Ministry of Industry, established the Moroccan Innovation club—a virtual platform dedicated to innovation—to network Moroccan innovation actors both in Morocco and abroad.

The Moroccan Association for Scientific Innovation and Research (MAScIR)

The Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy established the Moroccan Association for Scientific Innovation and Research (MAScIR) Foundation in 2007. The foundation’s mission is to promote and develop a centre of innovation and competitiveness based on the needs of the market. MAScIR leads projects that are positioned on technological and application niches with a high added value in the areas of advanced technology such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, and microelectronics.

The Ethiopian model

The Government of Ethiopia recognizes that a partnership needs to be built with the diaspora to benefit both parties and has worked to grant significant rights and privileges to the diaspora since the establishment of the Ethiopian Expatriate Affairs (EEA) in 2002, and the Ethiopian Diaspora Agency later. The Ethiopian government has encouraged the diaspora to invest in the country both financially and through knowledge exchange to assist in developing the country and improving its fiscal situation

With an ever increasing remittance flows over the last couple of decades, the diaspora’s role in the development efforts of the country has gained broader interest from both researchers and receiving countries. Besides financial remittances, flows of skills, knowledge, and social remittances have also gained more attention, particularly the relevance of diaspora associations as drivers of development processes.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) reservoir is a source of national pride for many Ethiopians – the dam is being built for Ethiopians, by Ethiopians. Most of the funds for the dam have been raised from Ethiopians through the purchase of bonds. The Dam will provide electricity to Ethiopia and to neighbouring countries.

Over the past 10 years, the Ethiopian Diaspora has been supporting the construction of GERD both financially and diplomatically irrespective of the apparent political differences one may expect from the diaspora. However, the support has never seen such a massive growth until the first filling of the dam was materialized. The first filling of the GERD has not only accelerated the rate of support the Ethiopian diaspora has been making but also increased its motivation to the highest level.

This contribution was made either by buying bonds or giving large sums of money as a gift for the completion of the dam. In total, over the last ten years,The diaspora has contributed close to 50 million dollars.

Considering the impact of the financial contribution the diaspora has been making over the years, the government is devising different approaches that can harness the diaspora’s potential to the fullest. When these mechanisms become operational, they are supposed to boost the financial support.

The diaspora has also intensified its fight for Ethiopia’s equitable share of the Nile waters. In the quest for Ethiopia’s legitimate rights over the Nile waters, many in the diaspora have held rallies in support of Ethiopia’s stride towards providing light to its people in the dark. Major cities across the world be it in the US, Europe and Australia have witnessed avalanches of Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia in their streets requesting Ethiopia’s fair share on the Nile, among others.

Members of the Ethiopian diaspora have not only filled streets of western capitals for the request of equitable share of the Nile waters, they have also been making different public relations campaigns and advocating Ethiopia’s cause to the whole world by using media outlets. Ethiopians’ residing in the Arab countries or those who are eloquent in Arabic language have become common faces in Arabic channels challenging the status quo.

In conclusion, the African diaspora holds immense potential to drive massive progress for the continent. Through effective mobilization strategies, innovative initiatives, and increased advocacy, African nations can unlock the full power of their diaspora and create a transformative path towards sustainable development and prosperity for their people. Embracing the strength and dedication of the diaspora, Africa can build a brighter future, where its young people find hope and opportunity on their own soil.


The 10 Major LinkedIn Mistakes and How to Stand Out

In the ever-changing African job market, it’s crucial to adapt to the evolving landscape, especially in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. As someone deeply involved in talent acquisition across the continent, I, Chams DIAGNE, understand the significance of preparing for the post-pandemic era. Let’s explore ten key aspects of optimizing your LinkedIn profile in the African context and avoiding common pitfalls:

1. No profile photo, personal connections matter greatly. The absence of a LinkedIn profile photo can signal a lack of commitment. Choose a recent, professional-looking photo that exudes confidence and approachability. Whether taken by a professional photographer or a friend with a smartphone, your photo is a valuable asset. Additionally, don’t overlook the background image; it can capture recruiters’ attention and pique their interest.

2. A lackluster introductory ‘Headline’ Your LinkedIn headline is your digital introduction. Think of it as your answer to the question, “What do you do?” If your job title and company are impressive, highlight them. However, if a concise description can convey not just your role but also your approach, go for it. In Africa, emphasizing your impact and unique qualities can set you apart in a competitive job market.

3. Not selling yourself enough in the ‘About’ summary Your LinkedIn summary is your elevator pitch. In Africa, where personal connections are vital, use first-person language to engage with your audience directly. Avoid clichés and delve into what makes you exceptional. Share not just what you do but why you’re passionate about it. Tailor your summary to demonstrate how your skills and experiences can benefit potential employers on the continent.

4. A bare and basic ‘Experience’ section Your LinkedIn experience section shouldn’t be a mere list of past jobs. It should narrate your accomplishments. Similar to your resume, prioritize achievements and quantify results when possible. Acknowledge collaborative efforts by crediting team members. Incorporate industry-specific keywords to boost your profile’s visibility, and regularly update it as you achieve more in your African career.

5. Not being proactive with ‘Recommendations’ Endorsements are valuable, but personalized recommendations carry even more weight. Seek recommendations from colleagues who can testify to your skills and work ethic. In Africa, where word-of-mouth and referrals are influential, authentic, detailed endorsements from peers can significantly enhance your profile’s credibility.

6. Too much—or too little—‘Activity’ Maintaining an appropriate online presence is essential in Africa’s job market. While staying active on LinkedIn is crucial, excessive online activity can be seen as a distraction. Find a balance that reflects your genuine interest in your work and your desire to connect with others. Engage in meaningful online discussions and interactions to demonstrate your commitment without overwhelming your profile.

7. Leveraging African Networks In Africa, networks are crucial for career growth. Connect with professionals, organizations, and alumni from your region and industry. Engage with local groups and forums to tap into the extensive African professional network on LinkedIn.

8. Showcasing Cultural Sensitivity Africa is diverse in cultures and languages. Highlight your cultural sensitivity and language skills on your profile. Mention any experience working across different African countries or with diverse teams, demonstrating your adaptability.

9. Highlighting Impactful CSR and Sustainability Initiatives African companies increasingly prioritize corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. If you’ve been involved in such initiatives, emphasize them in your profile. Showcase your commitment to positive change and community engagement.

10. Skills in Demand for the African Market Stay updated on the skills in demand within your specific African job market. Highlight these skills on your profile, and consider taking relevant courses or certifications to bolster your credentials in areas such as technology, digital marketing, or sustainability, depending on your industry.

In a rapidly evolving job market in Africa, your LinkedIn profile can be a powerful tool. By addressing these common mistakes and tailoring your profile to reflect your unique talents and experiences, you can position yourself for success in the post-pandemic world. Remember, your online presence is your digital calling card, and in Africa, where networking and personal connections matter greatly, it can make all the difference in your career journey.

Note: If you found this article helpful, please don’t hesitate to share it and leave comments on the points that resonate with you the most.


Always wait for a firm job offer before leaving your current position

In the African professional context, career choices are of paramount importance. At some point, you may find yourself considering leaving your current job due to a challenging work environment, disagreements, or simply to advance your career. However, a golden rule should guide your steps: never quit your job before securing a solid job offer. This article explores why this rule is essential, particularly in an African context where the absence of unemployment benefits makes financial security even more critical.

Financial security: Your Lifesaver

In Africa, losing your job can mean an immediate loss of income without a financial safety net. Resigning without already having a new job lined up puts you in a precarious situation. This can lead to months of financial difficulties, stress, and hardship, with limited prospects for improvement. You risk depleting your savings, accumulating debt, or even compromising your standard of living.

The common mistake of Senior professionals

The quest for a new job or a career transition is not limited to young professionals starting their careers. Even experienced professionals, often referred to as “seniors” in the professional world, may desire to explore new horizons or change their career path.

Some senior professionals, confident in their experience and skills, may feel more assured in their job search. However, this confidence can sometimes lead to hasty decisions. They may underestimate the challenges of the job market, assume that their experience will speak for itself, or be impatient to leave an unsatisfying professional situation. This mistake can have dramatic consequences for their financial stability and long-term career.

The Power of Negotiation

Keep in mind that in a competitive African job market, already having a job gives you significant negotiation power. Your current employer, fearing to lose you, might be willing to improve your working conditions, offer a salary increase, or provide additional benefits. By resigning prematurely, you lose this negotiation leverage, potentially making prospective employers less inclined to meet your demands.

Preparation is key

Searching for a new job in Africa can be time-consuming. Between seeking opportunities, attending interviews, navigating recruitment timelines, and negotiating, several weeks or even months may pass. During this period, your current job provides essential financial security and stability. It also gives you time to carefully select the opportunity that aligns best with your professional aspirations. Moreover, you might change your mind along the way or discover internal opportunities that better suit your career goals.

In conclusion, in the African professional context, the golden rule remains indispensable: never resign from your job without a firm job offer in hand. This prudent decision can help you avoid financial difficulties, strengthen your negotiation power, preserve your reputation, and allow you to better prepare for your career transition. So, before taking that decisive step, ensure you have a concrete offer. Your professional future in Africa will be better for it.


Creating a bright future for African youth: Promoting teleworking and investment opportunities for the Diaspora

Africa is a continent rich in culture, natural resources, and potential. Yet, many young Africans dream of a better life elsewhere, seeking the promised land in Europe or America. Illegal immigration has become a bitter reality for many African families, causing human tragedies at sea and unimaginable suffering. But how can we change this trend, and how can we provide convincing prospects for the African youth to encourage them to stay on their continent?

African youth face numerous challenges, including unemployment and limited access to quality education. However, there are reasons to hope, and possible solutions to reverse the trend of clandestine emigration.

Investing in education: Education is the cornerstone of sustainable development. By investing in quality education, African countries can train a skilled and competitive workforce. The skills and knowledge acquired in school are essential for fostering innovation, creativity, and economic growth. Vocational and technical training programs tailored to the labor market’s needs can also open doors for the youth by providing sought-after skills.

Promoting entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship can be a promising path for young Africans. Encouraging the establishment of local businesses and supporting young entrepreneurs in their projects can not only stimulate the economy but also offer significant employment opportunities. Governments and international organizations can play a key role by providing access to funding, training, and mentoring.

Investing in infrastructure: Quality infrastructure is essential for economic development. Modern transportation networks, accessible healthcare services, reliable energy systems, and improved Internet connectivity are elements that can create opportunities for African youth. Investments in these areas generate jobs and enhance the lives of citizens.

Promoting economic diversification: Many African countries heavily depend on the export of raw materials, making them vulnerable to global market fluctuations. Economic diversification can mitigate this vulnerability. By encouraging local industries, the agricultural sector, tourism, and other sectors, African countries can create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Taking inspiration from India: India has understood the importance of promoting remote work and has become a global leader in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector. By providing services to clients worldwide, India has created countless jobs, boosted its economy, and offered significant career opportunities to its youth. Africa can follow this example by fostering the growth of remote work in the BPO sector. This not only reduces the need for emigration but also provides stable and well-paid jobs. Through remote work, young Africans can target the global job market while staying at home.

The key role of the diaspora: The African diaspora, scattered worldwide, can play a major role in transforming Africa. Many members of the diaspora possess skills, knowledge, and financial resources that they can use for the development of their home continent. They can engage in intrapreneurship in Africa from their countries of residence, invest in local businesses, share their expertise, and facilitate connections between Africa and the rest of the world. For example, members of the diaspora working for international companies can promote the idea of outsourcing activities to Africa as a cost-effective and beneficial solution for their employers. By encouraging their companies to outsource to Africa, they contribute to the continent’s prosperity while maintaining ties to their roots.

Talent2Africa’s BPO Offering: In this context, Talent2Africa’s BPO offering makes perfect sense. It was created to assist all companies in outsourcing various digital tasks while considering their specific needs. We offer our clients flexible and tailored outsourcing solutions for both temporary and permanent needs. In a digital market where talents are scarce, and IT resource salaries are soaring, sustainable business growth requires a new operational model centered on the client and driven by the dual demands of competence and flexibility. Our BPO offering optimally combines talents, processes, and technologies to help our clients reshape their Tech organization through a more flexible, cost-effective operational model that generates sustainable growth.

Strengthening awareness of African identity: It is essential to enhance pride and awareness of African identity among younger generations. This can be achieved through education, the promotion of African culture, celebrating local achievements, and raising awareness of the continent’s challenges. A strong identity can help counter the idealization of the West and encourage young people to invest in their future on the continent.

African youth is a source of creativity, dynamism, and invaluable potential. By investing in education, entrepreneurship, infrastructure, economic diversification, remote work, encouraging the diaspora’s role, and leveraging Talent2Africa’s BPO offering, Africa can provide enticing prospects for its youth, urging them to stay on the continent and contribute to its development and prosperity. Africa has all it takes to become a hub of opportunities for its young talents, thereby preventing clandestine migrations and building a more promising future, while aiming for the global job market through the opportunities offered by remote work.


Job interview: how to highlight your soft skills?

Adaptability, stress management, empathy, resilience, … Due to the obsolescence of technical skills (hard skills), behavioural skills (soft skills) are increasingly valued by companies. And it is often during the job interview that everything is decided for the candidate. Because while hard skills help you get a job interview, soft skills help you succeed. Discover our 3 tips for highlighting your soft skills during this crucial stage of the recruitment process!

Step 1: Know the soft skills most sought after by recruiters

First of all, it is important to know which human skills are most sought after in the world of work. According to the World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs” report, 10 key skills – mainly soft skills – will make the difference in meeting companies’ recruitment needs by 2025. We have compiled a list of the soft skills that will make you the candidate that all companies are looking for:

Analytical skills
Complex problem solving
Critical thinking
Leadership & influence
Team spirit
Emotional intelligence
Resilience, stress resistance and flexibility
Autonomy and initiative
Ability to adapt
Service orientation
Negotiation skills
While some of these skills are innate and difficult to acquire, others can be developed through appropriate training. Unlike hard skills, no artificial intelligence can, for the moment, replace soft skills, hence the importance of not neglecting them!

Step 2: Identify your soft skills to make the most of them

To talk about your qualities on your CV and then in a recruitment interview, it is important to know how to identify them. To do this, you need to do some real work on yourself. To help you do this, you must first of all have an exhaustive vision of the 3 major families of existing soft skills:

Soft skills related to communication

Ability to communicate, speaking
Ability to network
Sense of community, ability to work in a team
Negotiating power

Soft skills related to agility

Taking a step back, being open to criticism
Stress management, emotional stability
Open-mindedness, creativity
Adaptability, flexibility, problem solving
Proactivity, taking initiative, strength of proposal
Efficiency, ability to work under pressure
Ability to judge, decision making

Soft skills related to personality

Self-confidence, perseverance
Motivation, extraversion
Organisation, time management, conscientiousness
Reliability, loyalty
To find your own personality traits:

Draw on your personal and professional experiences: what personal skills enabled you to carry out your last mission successfully? How did you overcome this or that difficulty? Think back to all the situations where you made a difference thanks to your personality traits, and which quality(ies) you had to call on.
Ask your professional and personal entourage: don’t hesitate to ask your former colleagues as well as those close to you to name your 3 main soft skills from the list above. You will note which qualities come up most often.
Take a test: this is not about testing your technical knowledge but your personality. Certain psychological evaluation tests such as the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) can help you identify the soft skills that stem from your personality.

Step 3: Showing your soft skills to a recruiter

It is during the job interview that you will be able to differentiate yourself from the other candidates. Make a point of verbalising your soft skills and contextualising them (in what professional situation(s) did you use such and such a personality trait?): the recruiter will be able to assess them all the better and thus judge the compatibility of your profile with the position to be filled.

If adaptability, good organisation, the ability to work in a team and autonomy are among the skills most commonly required in a company, you must ensure that you highlight the specific soft skills expected for the position in question. To do this, compare the behavioural skills that you have identified during your self-assessment with the qualities that promote performance in the position you are targeting. Be careful, however, to mention only the soft skills that you really possess, otherwise the recruiter may find you unmasked.

For example, an accountant who is able to highlight his or her ability to be proactive by explaining that he or she is capable of analysing and solving a problem when he or she detects it will have a better chance of attracting the recruiter’s attention than someone else. In the same way, an IS Project Manager in charge of implementing new software in a company will be able to promote himself by highlighting his soft skills related to communication. To do this, he or she can explain that he or she must communicate with the company’s various departments on a daily basis, demonstrate an analytical mind and, above all, negotiating skills in order to successfully complete the project.

In addition to the suitability of your behavioural skills for the position, the recruiter will also test your personality to see if it matches your future manager, the team and more generally the company’s culture. So before the interview, don’t forget to find out about the company!

Source : https://www.dogfinance.com/fr/news/entretien-embauche-comment-mettre-en-avant-ses-soft-skills


The future of fintech in Africa

The rise of digitalization on the African continent is one of the main factors behind the increase in financial inclusion.

Long perceived as the bank of the underprivileged, microfinance has historically targeted a large clientele excluded from traditional financing channels. Today, the reality of microfinance is that it is a mature market, conducive to the emergence of credible financial institutions alongside traditional players, particularly in Africa.

A sector in full transformation

The microfinance ecosystem today is very different from what it was in its early days and holds significant potential for growth and innovation. Indeed, the total outstanding amount of African Microfinance Institutes (MFIs) has grown by 56% since 2012 and a 46% increase in the number of borrowers over the same period in 2018 (Microfinance Barometer 2019, Convergences). In this context, MFIs are now at a key stage of their development, and find themselves facing the same issues as banking institutions: the need to optimize their business processes, find commercial differentiation strategies, meet the challenges of digitization of work methods… Like traditional banks, they are looking for continuous improvement of their productivity and face technological challenges. However, some of these challenges are unique to them. Indeed, the specific characteristics of microfinance, such as its alternative distribution networks, its clientele, etc. require technological solutions adapted to the reality of the field. The future of microfinance is based on a strategy of refocusing on the client and can only be built on the basis of innovative technological partnerships that enable a greater diversity of services to be offered while limiting risks and reinforcing the security of operations. For technology players, this is an area that promises to develop rapidly and promisingly.

Fintechs: opportunities to seize

The rise of digitalization on the African continent is one of the main factors behind the increase in financial inclusion. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, 42.6% of the adult population had an account in 2017 compared to only 23.2% in 2011 (Source: Global Findex 2017). A trend observed over the past 10 years that continues and represents a unique opportunity. Yet, the microfinance sector is a fertile ground for experimentation. More flexible, pragmatic and often subject to lighter regulatory constraints, MFIs are generally more agile than the traditional banking sector. Their appetite for digital is a great opportunity for experimentation that will allow new solutions to emerge.

In fact, it is likely that the process of technological diffusion will be reversed in the future: MFIs will no longer be content to follow in the wake of banks, but will be the laboratories for technological advances and the creation of innovative solutions that will then benefit traditional banks. These are all issues that fintechs would benefit from taking on, especially since the technological maturity of microfinance is still in the “completion” phase, which has yet to develop. However, due to their history and implementation, fintechs have a place to take as true strategic partners to support the development of these institutions.

In Africa, microfinance has a strong potential for growth and development in terms of diversified digital solutions. Relying on MFIs would allow fintechs to consolidate their achievements in countries where they are already active, while reaching out to new customers. As microfinance is in essence a vector of positive values (social promotion, solidarity, economic development, etc.), it represents a differentiating factor for fintechs compared to the competition, while also providing a motivating environment for their employees.

Source : https://www.journaldunet.com/economie/finance/1502531-microfinance-et-l-avenir-des-fintechs-en-afrique/