
5 strategies you can use to get noticed by senior leadership without going over your boss’s head

As a driven and ambitious professional, it can be frustrating when you feel like your ideas and contributions are not being recognized by those in senior leadership positions. You know you have what it takes to succeed and make a difference, but you feel like you’re being held back by a manager who is not supportive or who is not advocating for you.

It’s easy to feel stuck in this situation, but it’s important to remember that you have options. You don’t have to wait for your boss to notice your potential or give you the opportunities you deserve. Here are some strategies you can use to get noticed by senior leadership without going over your boss’s head.

  1. Network strategically: Build relationships with people in other departments or areas of the company. Attend company events, join employee resource groups, and seek out opportunities to connect with senior leaders. Use these relationships to showcase your skills and get your ideas in front of people who can help you advance your career.
  2. Take on high-visibility projects: Look for opportunities to take on projects that are important to the company or that are highly visible. These projects can help you demonstrate your skills and show senior leadership what you’re capable of.
  3. Be proactive: Don’t wait for your manager to give you opportunities. Look for ways to add value to the company and take initiative on projects or tasks that are outside of your normal responsibilities. This can help you stand out and show senior leadership that you’re a proactive and valuable member of the team.
  4. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from colleagues, mentors, and senior leaders. Use this feedback to improve your skills and demonstrate your commitment to growth and development.
  5. Build your personal brand: Use social media and other platforms to build your personal brand and showcase your expertise. Share your insights, ideas, and successes with a wider audience, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Remember, getting noticed by senior leadership takes time and effort. It’s important to be patient and persistent, and to continue to build your skills and expertise. With the right strategies and a commitment to your own growth and development, you can achieve your career goals and make a difference in your organization.


Why does a recruiter check references?

In addition to the CV and cover letter, some recruiters may also ask candidates applying for their job offers for references. This is a fairly common practice. The fact that a recruiter asks you for the contact information of former professional contacts in order to ask them about your account does not mean that he doubts you. Nor is it an attempt to trick you, much less destabilize you. Don’t take it the wrong way. A recruiter who asks for your professional references is simply trying to get a better understanding of you to avoid casting errors. But what exactly does a recruiter want to be sure of through a candidate’s references? The point in the next few lines…


A reference request to check your CV …

A recruiter cannot be criticized for wanting to ensure the truthfulness of a candidate’s references on his or her CV, since many job seekers do not hesitate to lie on their CV by mentioning a degree they do not have, or experience they cannot claim. In short, all tips are good for some candidates. Simply get the job. In view of this, the first purpose of a recruiter’s reference request is to avoid falling into the trap of false information on CVs. Thus, it is not a simple style clause if some companies make reference requests. Moreover, according to Apec, in nearly nine out of ten cases, they verify the good faith of applicants based on their diplomas and/or professional experience. And when it is not HR or recruitment firms that do this, the verification is outsourced to specialized service providers (Everycheck, Cvérifié…), while waiting for artificial intelligence to take over and take care of confusing the cheaters.


A reference request to detect your personality…

In addition to the mentions made on your CV, the recruiter may also ask you for your references to verify the statements about your personality that you made during the job interview. These may include your strong and weak points, your progress or lack of progress in the company, your ability to work in a team, your reactions to certain situations, etc. The recruiter will also check other elements such as your hiring and leaving dates, the type of position and missions you have held, the reason for your departure, your professional skills, etc… “We know that a referent is often benevolent, it is up to us to read between the lines, to create a climate of trust, to go beyond a certain politeness,” says a recruitment specialist. This sometimes involves some rather surprising questions: would you entrust your children to this candidate? Would you hire this person again? Would you invite him or her to a restaurant with your spouse? In all cases, the objective is twofold: to check that you haven’t embellished your CV and to better define your profile to ensure that it matches the position, the company and its culture.


A practice framed by the law…

Finally, it should be noted that the law regulates the use of the reference request to job applicants. The recruiter is not allowed to contact your references without asking for your authorization, ideally in writing. Moreover, it is a very good thing that you are asked for your references. Be prepared to accept calmly and seriously. “Don’t be afraid, it’s even a good sign,” says Claude d’Estais, a former HR and headhunter, now a professional mobility coach and author of several books on job search. “It indicates that you’re on the short list, because a recruiter is not going to have fun taking references from all candidates,” she adds.


How to make up for a mistake at work?

No matter how qualified you are, it is not impossible for you to make a mistake at work. This could turn into a nightmare if not handled properly. You can for example mix up the address of an order, or the recipient of a confidential mail, in brief,  you just didn’t do what you were asked to… When everybody makes mistakes at work, the ways however to handle them or to make up for them can be different. Here are some tips to save faces.

Keep your cool…

When you happen to make a mistake at your workplace, there is no need for you to panic because no matter what the consequences of that mistake could be, going into panic mode will not solve the issue. Tell yourself that everybody makes mistakes and panicking would only make things worse. It is obviously naural to feel embarrassed and stressed out about admitting that you made a mistake. But the faster you act on it, the better it will go. It is useless to just bury your head in the sand. If  you manager was informed about the situation quickly enough, there would be more time for him to get involved and minimize the damages. If your mistake can have repercussions then confess immediately. It will stop it from getting any bigger and leading to serious consequences. However if it’s a little mistake you can handle it yourself, no need to bring it up.

Don’t point fingers at anyone…

There is nothing that upsets a boss more than an employee who doesn’t own up to his responsibility. That is the reason why, the moment you realize you have made a mistake, take full responsibility and confess your wrongs. Show your manager that you are aware of your mistake and that you have learned from your lesson. Do not point fingers at anyone by any means. If, for example, you didn’t quite understand the instructions, admit it. Owning to your mistakes is proof of maturity.

Present solutions to correct your errors 

It is not just about admitting your wrongs. You must also commit to finding solutions to the problems that you have created. Presenting solutions to correct the errors will show your manager that you are really genuinely sorry. Do not hesitate to ask your colleagues for some help. It will prove that you really want to fix the problem. You must then learn from your mistakes. Take the time to explain what have happened, what you have learned from it and how you will use it to do better in the future. In short, communicate. That could work on your favor.

Don’t beat yourself over it 

If you continue feeling guilty about it, it could hurt your self-esteem and make you question yourself. Know that most of the time, talented workers make mistakes and that doesn’t take away their skills. Moreover, you must know that in many situations, you are a link in a series of events. “A mistake is never solely the fault of the person who did it, the organization and the procedure that had been put in place are also to blame. Reason why it is important for managers to get with the person who made the mistake and go through the series of events that led to the error” argues specialist Jean-François Thiriet. So basically, stop beating yourself over it and move on peacefully.



TALENT OF THE WEEK 3: TALENTED GABRIELLE!         Recruitment and Integration Manager in the Environment Sector         Master II Management and Human Resources Management (ISEFAC Alternance, Paris / Lille)         7 years professional experience in the Service…