
With a sustainable growth of the African companies contribution, such private as state ones, in the continental economy, the human resources return from a foreign experience allows a practices and knowledge’s sharing, important aspect from the globalization’s concept. Today, migrations, mainly the return, have an non-negligible role in the shaping of qualified working forces in Africa. Mobility is important in so far as it contributes to the knowledge’s creation and broadcasting. Not only it helps to produce and to broadcast skills, but it is an important way to transmit tacit knowledge.How African companies can use the talents from the diaspora in order to create a new African economic dynamics?    

Agree that a group can learn from a single person

​The tacit knowledge, non-transmissible through documents, reports or any other communication kind outside of cohabitation, is brought by every recruited to one’s company. According to a lived situation and a acquired aptitudes’ set, individus bring in the same social area (because a firm is, first of all, a socialization place), with the physical proximity, a part of themselves that the company can take advantage of. Of the main differences between companies lies in their human resources. As a social group, the company takes advantage in recruiting people able to bring a human capital gain, in addition to the technical one. This is what do, very often, the diaspora’s talents who represent, most of the time, a highly qualified workers flow. Thus, in addition to the economic incitements, those talents also look for infrastructural conditions able to motivate them to participate in your meeting and social exchanges’ area.    A mutual adaptation between employees

  ​Once in another country, workers broadcast their knowledge. On a working place, they broadcast it to their colleagues, particularly to the ones with whom they have are close. People and organisations geographically closed enjoy the benefits of this knowledge and are able to contribute to the emergence of local concentrations of activity. Mobility can also help to connect national companies to a foreign knowledge and to stimulate the foreign management’s results over human resources local units, but also from the whole economic environment. In parallel, the foreign experience should allow to higher the technical skills. Returning in Africa for qualified migrated workers can become beneficial for the knowledge creation and broadcasting in their countries by supporting the skills’ development. In addition, when qualifies individus migrate towards other countries with a more important economic activity, they can produce “higher” skills than the ones the used to produce in their native country. A foreign experience also allows to gather more human capital and to improve productivity, increasing thus the potential flows for knowledge return. They can increase the skills global stock.