
Sleeping in on Saturday or Sunday morning always feels good… However, usually after weekends, it is always difficult to go back to work. The first day of the week is certainly never the best one. Many people have trouble finding their pace of work on Monday morning. Therefore, they spend more time at the coffee machine than in their office. If this happens to you, know that you are probably suffering from what we call the ‘The Monday Blues’. It is a very common phenomenon. If it is happening to you, we have 4 ways on how to get ride of it.

Maximize your weekend…

If you are not in great shape on Monday morning, it is probably because you didn’t make the most of your Sunday rest. Keep in mind, then that if you want to have a good week at work, the work must be done ahead of time. The beginning of the week will definitely be less chaotic if you make sure you have enough rest during the weekend. «  It is crucial to unplug from work during the weekend so you are efficient on Monday. To do that, the best way is to not think about work at all. Avoid checking emails for example” said psychologue and coach Boris Charpentier. Basically, some rest and some relaxing time, with activities that take care of our wellbeing.

Plan for some relaxing time on Monday night…

If you are not careful enough, the “Monday Blues” could expand over the whole week and ruin your work. In order to find a solution to it, it is recommended to plan a relaxing time on Monday night, like having a drink with friends or going out to the movies, for example. It makes you feel better and makes you feel happy because you are looking forward to something. That way, in the morning, you have something to be excited about because you know you will have a fun night. You will take on your Monday work with serenity. Also, it will help you regroup before having a good sleep and feeling good for the rest of the week.

Plan you Monday work ahead of time…

A lot of reasons can explain the “Monday Blues”. It could caused by a reminiscence of the fun time you had over the weekend, a feeling of injustice, or in some extreme cases, it could be a warning sign. It expresses pain and could be a sign of depression or burnout” explains Boris Charpentier. The most obvious sign of a “Monday Blues” is the loss of focus. If your agenda is not clearly planned, your situation will only get worse. You actually don’t even need to try because your day is already ruined. Think about time management and try to plan your Monday work ahead of time. Otherwise, you will loose some precious time and that will have a greater effect on your focus. This planning will give you a new boost from the very beginning of the week. Not to mention that it “will make you take control of your everyday life and set the tone for the week”, adds the psychologue. 

Take a break from time to time…

To avoid fatigue, it is crucial to take breaks. That is not only true for Mondays. Take your mind off and empty your head, away from the screen. A deep breath of fresh air can work miracles for you. If you like coffee,  a good cup of coffee is the perfect pick-me-up drink in Monday mornings. But don’t drink to excess because too much caffeine is not good for your health.