
Graduated and disoriented? Some advice to guide you after your studies

You still spend a lot of time thinking about your professional future, without really knowing where you are going or what you will do. This unpleasant feeling of professional uncertainty is widely shared among many young graduates. It prevents them from moving forward, but also prevents them from being optimistic about their future. However, you should not give in to discouragement. No more sitting in bed doing nothing, it’s time to take action! Here are a few tips to put your situation into perspective and guide you …


  1. Taking stock of yourself …

It is important when you are lost and discouraged by a professional future that you feel uncertain, to take stock of yourself. This will allow you to get back on track. In particular, you need to ask yourself a number of questions to help you find your way around. What exactly do you want? How and where do you see yourself in a year’s time? What about later? The answers to these questions will allow you to project yourself towards a more serene future and to get a feel for your expectations. The aim is to inspire you, to get out of a lethargic state, in short to discover yourself in a new light.


  1. Review his professional experiences …

As a graduate, remember that even if you haven’t seen the end of the tunnel yet, that doesn’t mean you have no skills or that you’re worthless. On the contrary, you have many skills that are just waiting to be put to use. To discover them, you need to take stock of your skills. Review all of your work experiences. No matter how small they may be, don’t underestimate them. In a student job or internship, for example, you have learned to adapt, to work in a team, to develop certain abilities, to obey, etc. Take stock of what you liked and what disappointed you. This will allow you to orient yourself so that you know exactly what field you would like to work in.


  1. List possible career options …

You didn’t graduate for nothing. You certainly have ideas, career dreams.    List them! For each idea, you need to think about the prerequisites needed to implement them, as well as the consequences of such a choice on your life. You still need to be realistic, because it is clear that you will not be able to achieve your long-term goals immediately. Be ready to roll the dent. At first, expect to find a position that suits you and that will allow you to move up the ladder in the future. So, when looking through job offers, avoid all those that require a minimum of two years of work experience, as you have a very small chance of being selected. Anticipate by avoiding rejections and negative feedback. This will help you not to become discouraged.


  1. Get to know the jobs related to your training …

You need to take the time to find out about the jobs that interest you, or more precisely those that revolve around your field of training. For example, if you know someone in your entourage who has completed the same training as you or who knows the sector you are passionate about, ask them for information. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the professionals, those who are already practising their profession, they will be delighted to answer you. You can also get information from former graduates, those of your year, etc. In short, give yourself the chance to diversify your sources of information.