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Doing Business – Here is a recap of the African top destinations in terms of investments. This ranking is based on the Doing Business 2018, freshly published (tuesday, october 31st by the World Bank Group): a kind of “business weather report” to determine the best places in the world where the business climate is excellent, medium or hostile.

For this year (2018), the focus is on the ability of countries to introduce reforms for a business environment conducive to job creation. This justifies the title of the Doing Business 2018 report: “Reform to create jobs”.

And in this area, sub-Saharan Africa sets a new record, being the most represented region in the Doing Business 2018 ranking and being at the top of the most reforming countries, with three countries placed in the top 10 worldwide: Malawi, Nigeria and Zambia.

Kenya is nevertheless the African record holder in number of reforms implemented in recent years (6). Followed by Mauritania, Nigeria, Rwanda and Senegal with five reforms each, says the report.

As for North Africa, it is performing well in four areas: obtaining building permits, connecting to electricity, transferring ownership and paying taxes. In three areas, however, the region is lagging behind. These include obtaining loans, cross-border trading and insolvency settlement.

Thus, for the year 2018, the top 3 African countries where to invest is easier and profitable is as follows:

1- Mauritius (25th world)
2- Rwanda (41st world)
3- Morocco (69th worldwide)

Key indicators have been identified to measure business regulation and enforcement in 190 economies around the world, and in some cities at the subnational and regional levels.

These indicators help to determine the degree of regulation, for example the number of procedures needed to start a business or to register a commercial title.

Next, they assess the consequences of regulation, such as the time and cost required to perform a contract, the completion of bankruptcy proceedings, or the import and export of goods.

These indicators also measure the extent of the legal protection of the property, for example the protection of the investors against the abuses of company managers or the range of assets that can serve as a guarantee, in accordance with the laws on secured transactions.

Finally, a set of indicators makes it possible to assess the tax burden on businesses and measures various aspects inherent to the hiring of workers, Ecofin said in an analysis of the report.

2018 Doing Business Ranking of African Countries

 PaysClassement mondial Doing Business 2018Classement mondial Doing Business 2017
01Maurice        25ème          49ème
02Rwanda        41ème          56ème
03Maroc        69ème          68ème
04Kenya        80ème          92ème
05Botswana        81ème          71ème
06Afrique du Sud        82ème          74ème
07Zambie        85ème          98ème
08Tunisie        88ème          77ème
09Seychelles        95ème                93ème
10Lesotho       104ème          100ème
11Namibie       106ème          108ème  
12 Malawi       110ème          133ème
13 Swaziland       112ème          111ème
14 Ghana       120ème          108ème
15 Ouganda       122ème          115ème
16 Cap Vert       127ème          129ème
17 Egypte       128ème          122ème
18 Tanzanie       137ème          133ème
19 Mozambique       138ème          137ème
20 Côte d’Ivoire       139ème          142ème
21 Sénégal       140ème          147ème
22 Mali       143ème          141ème
23 Niger       144ème          150ème
24 Nigeria       145ème          169ème
25 Gambie       146ème          145ème
26 Burkina Faso       148ème          146ème
27 Mauritanie       150ème          160ème
28 Benin       151ème          155ème
29 Guinée       153ème          163ème
30 Djibouti       154ème          171ème
31 Togo        156ème          154ème
32 Comores        158ème          153ème
33 Zimbabwe        159ème          161ème
34 Sierra Leone        160ème          148ème
35 Ethiopie        161ème          159ème
36 Madagascar        162ème          167ème
37 Cameroun        163ème          166ème
38 Burundi        164ème          157ème
39 Algérie        166ème          156ème
40 Gabon        167ème          164ème
41 Sao Tomé-et-Principe        169ème          162ème
42 Soudan        170ème          168ème
43 Liberia        172ème          174ème
44 Guinée Equatoriale        173ème          178ème
45 Angola        175ème          182ème
46 Guinée Bissau        176ème          172ème
47 Congo        179ème          177ème
48 Tchad        180ème          180ème
49 RD du Congo        182ème          184ème
50 Centrafrique        184ème          185ème
51 Libye        185ème          188ème
52 Sud Soudan        187ème          186ème
53 Erythrée        189ème          189ème
54 Somalie        190ème          190ème