

Today, the startups’ ecosystem has a strong economic and social uniformity in Africa. What differentiates them, very often, it is the strategic choices that very often determine their results. Very often, in order to do this, start-ups can not afford to recruit en masse for the needs of all the departments that need them. To recruit good profiles, with the qualities that can boost the activities of a company, it would be interesting for startups to recruit talents from the diaspora, if their means allow. Apart from technical and academic knowledge, they have developed, during their stay abroad, abilities and attitudes that are often lacking in local talent.
In the Diaspora there is therefore a pool of entrepreneurs capable of engaging in innovative, ambitious projects with strong economic and employment potential.
However, finding a talent from the diaspora is not easy, just in relation to the costs incurred for its hiring, especially for small and medium enterprises. But most of the time, the game is worth the effort. To recruit them, think about the different ways to get there.

Recruiting young, motivated and creative talents

Very often, it seems appropriate to recruit young talents who, like your startup, are looking to start a new life with a project that motivates them and gives them the strength to surpass themselves in order to participate in a general evolutionary effort from a company. This is generally not the case in large boxes, where, on the other hand, the number of recruitable talent seems to be smaller and the propensity to motivate skills development is limited by the number of employees to be covered .
For a start-up, it is interesting to use young people who offer their first experience by giving your project an innovative and creative vision of things. However, for a better collaboration, it would be interesting for you, leaders of SMEs, to manage to leave them more or less free of their movements. A good way to do this would be, for example, by reducing the rules and disciplines imposed on your employees, which would offer you, above all, a big advantage over traditional companies, even with a lower salary margin. In this way, you will put forward the flexibility of the framework you will propose to your talents, and will thus be able to attract the interest of young talents from all academic and / or professional horizons wanting more freedom in their conditions of hiring.

By adopting such a strategy, you give your young recruits the opportunity to discover themselves, professionally, but also to work with the least amount of pressure from their superiors. Thus, it would be easier to be able to notice and to motivate the evolution of the ones in the company. When, generally speaking, it is the convincing results that matter to the big groups, every day-to-day progress of an employee in a start-up is taken into account, regardless of his degree. Feeling the importance of each of its efforts is an important point for a young diaspora talent who, very often fiery because of his age and ambition, would not like to feel imprisoned under a “ceiling of Glass “, professionally speaking.

Providing a geographic and professional flexibility

A practice that is spreading more and more around the world, but also today in Africa, remains the freelance. By adopting it, you allow a diaspora talent to work for you remotely, without having to move to the same country as your company without really wanting it. This gives you more flexibility for your talent to take advantage of the opportunity to develop other skills the company may need, especially when it comes to advanced technical knowledge that is not taught Not yet on the continent. This can mean a significant saving in costs for your start-up, which will result in more and more brilliant employees. This can be an important counterpart to the low income that you can offer compared to those applied in large companies.
Using freelance work seems to be a wise idea. This sector is currently booming and is starting to attract several large companies in Africa. This ensures that your employees have good working conditions and a working time adapted to their needs, which seems to be increasingly the priority of most employees. With this in mind, you are offering a better quality of professional life and leaving your employees the best control of their work-life balance. Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult for managers to make employees want to come to work every day. Thinking freelance today, you think about the intellectual welfare of your collaborators and present them with arguments increasingly attractive and adapted to the reality of our societies.

Given the rapid transformation of the world of business around the world, but especially in Africa, the traditional responsibilities of the Director of Human Resources are becoming more and more strategic. Today, the good position to adopt by the leaders of start-ups remains that of accompanist and facilitator of skills development. Thus, you allow your company to gain flexibility and generate more value by saving on costs. Apart from the main methods of attracting a talent from the Diaspora, those of freedom and flexibility seem to be increasingly important. Indeed, by returning to Africa, the talents of the diaspora, especially young people, often seek to escape the routine of the classical workplace. Give them the opportunity, invite them to join your adventure!