
Africa CEO Forum, Abidjan 2018 – According to a United Nations report, 1 person out of 4 will be from Africa by 2050 and the African workforce will be the largest in the world.

According to another report by McKinsey, there is a potential of 5600 billion dollars of business opportunities in Africa, against 4000 billion today.

In 2018, according to the World Bank, six of the world’s 10 fastest growing economies will also be from Africa.

All those important projections were made during the 2018 edition of the Africa CEO Forum that took place this year in Abidjan.

The Ivorian capital welcomed on March 26, just over 1600 participants from 39 African countries, as well as dozens of multinationals from 28 non-African countries, african leaders, including leaders of major industrial groups and banking institutions, to discuss on issues related to Africa’s economic development


This 18th edition theme was: “Economic Transformations” to meet the new challenges for more productivity and employment: the digital economy, robotisation, new energies, regional integration, the modernization of governance and management, regional integration, modernization of the public-private dialogue, modernization of the company and finally, improvement of the business climate.

This big meeting of African companies was a good opportunity to reflect and find answers to key questions, related to new models of development:

What economic policies should be put in place to fit the new global economic dynamic? How are technological breakthroughs changing the game of job creation? What types of structural changes in education, infrastructure and governance Africa need to adjust to this new era?

The Forum was also an opportunity for many countries to attract many private investors.

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