
in a time where Africa is active and opening up to the world, it is crucial for Human Resources to get all the te required qualifications to adjust to international standings. Young African are very much aware of that. For that reason, they take it upon themselves to go and get the appropriate training to fit with the needs of the international companies settling in the continent in search for opportunities. With that in mind, multinationals have finally realized that it was not that smart to come and move in the black continent with men and bags. If that used to be the true for multinationals companies back then, nowadays it seems like old news.

Local recruitment at all levels of the company…

From middle to top management, multinationals companies that are settled in the African continent are now taking chances on local talents because they know that it is a win win situation. Hiring local talents is beneficial in terms of cost and speed whatever the business line is or the wanted profession. Hiring very expensive expats is no longer the way to go for companies who are increasingly looking to hire locally. Most of the time, there are many costs of different types included in the contract of the expat. Housing, the kids school fees, risk allowance related to the security of the hosting country etc are all included.

The “africanisation” of recruitment for a lesser cost 

This last few years, multinationals have been « africanising » their human resources by recruiting the local talents in an effort to avoid paying for all the expenses that come with hiring expats. When questioned about the reason behind that trend, a lot of human resources specialists felt as it had two goals in mind. The first one being the fact that it allowed to benefit from on site talents and save money from hiring costly expats. The second one being the fact that hiring local talents means hiring people who have a better knowledge of the ground,and the economic and social background. All those advantages are vital for each position related to law, marketing or supply chain. Because they are very much aware of that aspect, multinationals companies tend to increasingly hire local talents instead of international workers. Let’s just say that the times where multinationals companies would come settle in Africa with bags and human resources from abroad are long gone.