
You finally got your dream job after many interviews. You have signed your contract with a lot of enthusiasm. However it is not a done deal just yet. You still have one step to go through that is as important as the one before, which is fitting in the new company.


This step might seem easy but it is not because obviously adjusting to an unknown world is not a peace of cake especially for those who are just entering into the work world. This is why it is not a waste of time to look into the necessary tips to successfully fit in a new work environment.

First, one of the most important things for the new hire to do is to be aware of the challenges this represent. If not it will be difficult to properly adjust. That way, according to Catherine Berliet, coach and co-author of Manger au quotidien, three steps are vital to successfully fit it a new company.

The first one being, according to her,  well prepared for the new job by carefully reading the job description in order to know precisely where you will take actions.

The second one consists of a SWOT which stands for Stenght,Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. The goal is to put in writing the necessary elements that would allow you to quickly be efficient in your new job.

Finally, the third step according to Catherine Berliner still, consists of putting interest in the Dow and the don’ts. Which means all the aspects in terms of culture, its values and its creation etc. Basically, it means for the new hire to spot the  appropriate dress-code that is put in place, the way people are talking and the way they are operating internally.

In this adjustment phase, it is essential to open up to new people, to go to people to make it easier to communicate  and develop contacts. It is even more important knowing that on the first days, your new colleagues will judge you. Be nice and honest without putting yourself in the spotlight and risking to sound arrogant.

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