
Almost all HR specialists agree on the fact that a well written cover letter makes a big difference in the eyes of the recruiters even though the point of having one is questionable. This is the reason why some mistakes are not to be made in the process of writing it. Find out about those mistakes in the following.

1. A neat layout

There is a lot of cover letters that fail to convince recruiters because of a bad choice of characters, a bad size of police, but also a layout that is not accessable. A good number of candidates have a tendency of neglecting those aspects because they don’t know that the layout of a cover letter is the first thing that reflects the personality of a candidate for a job. Actually with all the dozens or hundreres of cover letters they will have to read, they will obviously be more interested in the ones that are neat and easier to read. «Form rather than substance » as we say. It is better to opt for one with the same simple police size and character like Times new roman, calibri or cambria.

2. Bad editorial quality

It is necessary for a cover letter to be simple and clear. For that reason, you must use a comprehensible vocabulary to make yourself understandable by the recruiters. You must also avoid spelling mistakes and poorly worded sentences. Those mistakes are just as bad as syntax errors which are quite frequent in cover letters unfortunately. Based on recruiters experience, there are plenty of candidates who write their cover letters in the rush and don’t take the time to read it a few times. Also, lots of recruiters have some issues with “a texting generation” that have yet to find an everyday editorial habit that doesn’t contribute in making recruiters take them seriously. Thus, we would recommend you to have other people with more sense read it for you before you submit your application.

3. Do not force a connection between the future of a company and your own.

Let us remind you that a cover letter must have three parts: the candidate must show that he knows the company and is informed of the challenges that come with the job. He must show that he has the skills the company is looking for and must insist on the fact that he represents the perfect match between his professional skills and the vacancy. Finally, he must show that his personal ambition correspond with the interest of the company and explain how, give proof that hiring you would benefit the company. This is even more true knowing that the recruiter needs to be persuaded that the candidate will be present in the future he has planned with the company. In brief any candidate who wants to submit a good cover letter must follow three steps. Be well informed about the company, show how your skills match with the job vacancy, make a connection between your professional career and that of the company.

4. Not knowing how to present your arguments

The first goal of a cover letter is to answer one question: why do you want this job? At the end, the answer to that question must allow you to convince the recruiter with actual facts. However, it is sad to notice that lots of candidates find it difficult to present arguments and be convincing. But it is essential to show that we are better or at least more suitable than others by showing out in the letter, one’s performance from previous recorded experiences and how it matches with the job vacancy.

5. A lack of quick summary

You probably don’t know it but, a long cover letter does not work in your favor because it shows out how you are not capable of going straight to the point. Unfortunately some candidates believe that if they don’t write couple of pages, they won’t put all the chances on their sizes. Quite to the contrary, majority of recruiters select the profiles of people who knew how to be brief and specific. Basically, a one page cover letter is perfect. Two pages max. Cover letters are where concision and precision are essential.